June 17, 2007


I have an interesting case of a neck scar following tracheostomy.He had an inspiratory stridor during examination.
The past history tells a cardiac surgery,following which a respiratory distress had complicated post operatively.
The main problem is a keloid formation tendency.He has a keloid scars on the deltoid region following a smallpox vaccination,xiphoid region following incission for heart surgery.
CT scann of the neck and thorax showed a retrosternal abberant of thyroid gland.
My thorax surgeon told this patient should undergo a tracheal resection and end to end anastomosis.However the underlying problem of scar formation following surgery is a real threat for surgery.
I decided to give him a low power laser therapy following which a real thing happened : less stridorous sound and less dyspneuic sensation.Thank God The Almighty.

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