January 29, 2008


Laser is offering treatment for double chin,a procedure as part of what is called laser lipolysis.Usually there is no suction procedure during or after lipolysis in this special area.

Tumescent anaesthesia is a special technique for this kind of minimal invasive procedure which is suitable to be done in the doctor office but should be done under strict aseptic and antiseptic control.

A small canulla for laser delivery to disrupt fat cell's wall will need small incission only.Therefore it does not necessary to do suctioning of the lysis product of the fat in this area and stitching of small incission.


If you sneeze after waking up in the morning you may have allergic rhinitis.You can go to a drugstore and take antihistamin (OTC,not under doctor prescription drugs) or you see your famili physician or your ENT doctor.They may prescribe another medication which should be under strict medical supervisison,for possible side effects like drowsiness or dry mouth.If the medicine does not help you ,the doctor will change the medication to nasal vasoconstrictor or steroid nasal spray.

The anti inflammatory of low power laser has been known very well among doctors and laymen.Laser will give you bonuses:biostimulation effect,local endorphin production to reduce pain,more ATP production antiseptic etc.


Laser has a role in the prevention,treatment and stroke rehabilitation.

You can see your blood condition under the microscope.

If you look your red blood cells clustering each other or making a "military parade", it means that your blood is not efficient bringing oxygen to your tissue or organ.

You should be aware of this condition ,because you might have a problem with your blood circulation.

If you are brought into laser irradiation under your doctor recommendation and supervision ,your organ will have more oxygen and they will work more efficiently.